Mito Satellite Meeting Announcement Meeting Announcement

mtDNA Variation, Disease and Databases

11th June 2012


The need for developing existing databases of mitochondrial gene sequence variation with easily used, web-based query tools on an user friendly platform is rapidly becoming essential. A meeting will be held in Paris June 11, a satellite meeting of the Human Variome Project 2012 under the supervision of UNESCO. The project will benefit from a coming together of a broad grouping of those interested in mtDNA to discuss the present and future curation of mitochondrial DNA variations with two goals:

  1. Create an international consortium of mitochondrial experts from different continents
  2. Utilize a LOVD database for mtDNA This database will not replace all the current databases and their function.

However the LOVD platform offers unique opportunities to bring variant and clinical data together in a strictly quality controlled computationally secure environment. Several groups have already accepted to be part of this initiative. We hope that you will be able to attend this meeting which should remain an informal but very interactive meeting to discuss the main objectives of our future mitochondrial consortium. We look forward to hearing from you and hope you will be willing to be part of this important project.

To register for the mito satellite meeting, please follow the link:

For more information please contact Rania Horaitis: or Vincent Procaccio:

Topic revision: r1 - 12 Feb 2016, MarieLott

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